Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Racing Games on Console Platforms

Playing online car racing games is really turning the gaming scene up a notch. Back in the day, using the proper old school computers, such as the commodore 64 (now the age is showing), to get multi-player you had to more or less, have a cable guy connect the computers together to be able to play in multi-player mode. Like 2 players.

Look at what you can do now when you are playing online car racing games. You have got all sorts of choices: tuning your car, racing head to head or competing in all sorts of street races.

Street races which are actually based on maps also not just designed specifically for a rushing game.

It's not actually simply your desktop PC you can play the games on. Gaming consoles like the xBox 360, lets you proceed online through your console and race against any player, anywhere in the world.

Wireless steering wheels are available also for some consoles, which means you can sit and play online car racing games, without the hassles of getting wires all tangled up. Avoiding losing your concentration and ending up losing the game, when you used to have to sort the wires out and end up going head on into a wall. Off the cliff edges and all sorts of crazy stuff that make the awesomeness of racing games.

With various challenges, race choices and customization jobs, it is no wonder there's so may games to pick from.

Not just racing either.

There is all out action games, that you need to be able to drive fast if you are to evade being captured by the law for your racing antics. Games like GTA, where you can as much as all sorts of mischief, nick a car and outrun the law.

Then there's car shooting games, where you have to maintain your speed while trying to take out your opponent.

That is great when you are playing the part of a cop chasing the fugitives. Doing whatever you need to hunt them down, while trying to blow out their tyres and provide them to a stop.

For the new era of gaming, the Xbox 360 Console seems to have hit the nail on the head with the option of going online.

Car racing games are excellent when you are racing in real time and it really is amazing to think that you can jump on the net anytime you need and be able to race a real opponent instead of a programmed computer.

Of course, there is no need to be saying about the difference between the online car racing games experience you get, when you play through a modern games console, in comparison with some of the free online car racing games you can find around the net.

Some of them are just a sheer waste of time and embarrassment to the developers. The graphics are sub-par, the customization is non-existent and there is very little you can do to make the race your own.

It is all about enjoying the interaction of the modern gaming, with enhanced graphics, custom engine tuning, real time reporting of damage status and of course, some games like "Need for Speed", lets you run your races, collect the points based on your driving ability and add all sorts of enhancements to your car.

Letting you add on super power boosters that will amp as much speed as possible, ensuring that when you take that car out the garage for the next race, you can stop your opponents to the curb with an awesome street car and work your way up the career modes some games have and be crowned the fastest driver on the net.

All of this made possible with online car racing games, serving us gamers up with some absolutely stunning gaming experiences that was once nowhere near the game play we observe now.

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